Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Look at These People

I found these pictures.

These pictures show all of my people – my cast of characters – even though some of the people don’t come around anymore.
These pictures are from August 22, 2012, which was my birthday, and they show us on the last time we were all together. This was twelve hours before Dana moved out.

These people (left to right) are Aesop… me… my daughter, Angela… my daughter, Rachel… Dana… and my brother, Antony.

Okay. Now, try and remember who everyone is!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hmmm, well, let me see...

      There I am. There's Aesop.

      So... It must have been my then-two-year-old son!

  2. Ah crap, I've already forgotten. Probably for the best for all involved.

    1. I know better than to believe that you forget my stylin' glasses...

  3. As none of these characters have any wacky nicknames, I just can't find myself being able to remember them. And where's the racial diversity? I see no token black guy, no quirky Asian kid who's good at math, no Mexican gangbanger who secretly has a heart of gold. And there's not a single slogan or catchphrase anywhere!

    It's like this cast isn't even trying to be trendy and relevant.

    1. I have been considering posting pictures of that dude from "Machete" as my next girlfriend.

      To be honest, some of the lesbians I meet in bars sort of look like the dude from "Machete," so it's not outside the realm of possibility...

    2. I wonder if they tweet?

    3. Tweeting is that thing from a few years back that only old people and corporate advertisers do now, right?

    4. That is what the pharma company who make my beta-blockers say.

    5. I would have responded sooner, but I spend most of my time on Myspace.

  4. Mental pictures always werk best for me soo ..thanks for the lineup. I already knew what THEY looked like, but not Aesop and the girls. Having beautiful children is always better than having smart ones, don't you think? How very open, revealing, and brave of you to post those photos.

    1. Looking uncomfortable and a little freaky has always served me well, but I don't know if I'd wish that on anyone I care about.

      Unless they're going to become artists, in which case, you know... go cut off an ear or something.

      It's sort of hard for me to believe these pictures exist, in light of when they were taken...

  5. Kind of reminds me of those old black and whites of the suit and tie crowd waving goodbye from the observation deck of the Hindenburg as it left for New Jersey... everyone happy, no one knowing what's coming. Except, in your photos' case, some of the cast of characters DID know what was coming, they just didn't bother to let you in on the secret.

    These are probably fun and painful at the same time. I'm therefore both happy and sad about them. My emotions run the gauntlet from A to B, with several letters worth of range left for expansion possibilities. I hate to limit myself.

    I try to avoid my old photos for this very reason.

    1. The Hindenburg seems apropos. Like a lead zeppelin...

      I have gobs of old 8 mm video tapes form the early Nineties of me and my parents (who are deeased). I have no way to play them.

      Someday I'm going to find a way to run them off on DVD or youtube or something, but I don't have the heart yet.

      Maybe when I'm old.

    2. There are multiple companies who convert film to DVDs, and you might want to have that done before it's not an easily available service, Katy. Even if you don't want to watch them now, it's better to have them copied now than to risk losing them.

    3. My grandmother just got some OLD film of HER father converted where he is surfing off the coast of Midway or somewhere in the 1950s, and I thought, "Yeah, maybe they should have looked into doing something about that before everybody else involved was dead." Film is only supposed to survive for so many years...

  6. OK I got it- Plato, Arielle, Romulen and Romeo- right?

  7. PS Some day all we will have are our memories and photographs.

    Keep the memories close to your heart and pictures accessible but not too handy.

    1. I have learned that I need to keep all my important pictures on the internet somewhere. I lost almost all my pics after my last breakup because the hard copies and jump drives went out the door.

      I don't know if there will ever come a time when i want to live in my own past, but I at least want to keep that option open.


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