Friday, March 29, 2013

No Soup for You

“So don’t cry for me , ‘cos I’m going away / But I’ll be back some lucky day.”  – Tom Waits, 1993

“It’s no big deal, it’s just… We have to go away and ... and dream it all up again.”  – Bono, 1989


This blog isn’t dead. It’s just sleeping.

This is an official notice. Effective immediately, I am taking some time off from writing “Lesbians in My Soup.”

I do not know how long, exactly. I’m taking as long as it takes.

Way, way back, back in August of 2011, I set a goal for this blog and the goal was this: I was going to post at least four original pieces every month for a year.

And I did! I did that and then some.

That was nineteen months ago, and I’ve posted some amazing and fun blogs since then. I’ve blogged about Dana’s religious conversion and I’ve blogged our break-up. I’ve written about meeting a redneck God and I have written about the right way to kill baby seals. I’ve even written some stuff that did not make very much sense at all.

Now I need a break.

I’ll still be around: I’m on Twitter and I have a Tumblr and do Google+.  You should connect with me there and/or chat with me and/or partake in whatever interaction is appropriate in that particular forum.

I hope to see you soon!


  1. then she rode out to the setting sun with her smile

    She is all I ever wanted
    She could make me lie
    I don't think she's dead or anything, but I still feel haunted
    Something in the way she said goodbye
    This time
    Not like before

    have a good one

    1. Absolutely, GOODSTUFF.

      I'll be around. You'll see me.

    2. I am going to have to hang low and to the right for a while

      Some one dropped a dime on me. Seeing how all the photos are acceptable to the Hays Code, it must of been the women's suffrage, Feminism stuff or Sarah Palin stuff I posted in my last blog

    3. Wait, the complaint was about content - not copyright?

      Well, that makes sense. I mean, it's time to get naughty pictures off the internet, starting with you.

      I'm sure if we work together, we can make the internet safe for 10-year olds.

  2. sometimes, a break is the best way to get our creative juices flowing again. in my case taking too long from music is making me wonder if i'll ever get back again!

    1. Hi there, Andrea. Somehow, I just KNOW that forcing myself to take a break from it is going to guarantee I have tons of ideas.

      Maybe not.

      I think there is a trick to getting back into creating mode: Start small. Don't worry about doing Shakespeare or Beethoven fresh out of the gate.

      We'll see...

  3. I understand the need for a blog break. I have been contemplating that need myself lately! Rest well! :)

    1. Thank you! I don't want it to feel like a chore, and it's started to at times.

  4. Stay safe and well, Katy.

    You'll be missed. Count on it.


    1. ...says the man who never posts on HIS blogger anymore.

      Thanks, Will. I just don't want the place to be a chore. Just a break, though. It's not time to regenerate yet.

  5. I'll miss you, baby. Sometimes "Refresh" is the best button pushed!

    1. Well, it's like Spider-Man, you know? Every few years it needs a reboot.

      When I come back, there will be a younger chick playing me and there will be way more CGI effects!

  6. Did a reboot thing myself during the past prezzy election, and it did wonders. Once the creative juices start to back up, though, you've got to find an outlet or you'll be dealing with nocturnal emissions. Something will hit you tomorrow and you'll dash to the computer for your blobber fix, and then it will hit you... "Oh yeah... I'm supposed to be on sabbatical"

    C'mon back when you can't stands no more. We'll still be cruising by to see if your lights are on. Stalkers are like that...

    1. Like I said, I do this because I feel compelled to do it, and not because it's a chore.

      If it becomes a matter of "Time to make the doughnuts," then hell... I could be writing training manuals or something.

  7. darn it katy, i was just going to leave you an award!

    1. Weeks! The plan is to be gone for a few weeks!

  8. Peace on your new path. You know where I live. Holler anytime.

    1. I just finished reading "Assholes, a theory". Its a book of philosophy. What struck me is he quoted someone in the book that sounded like an opening to one of your blogs. I'll see if I can find the author and send you the quote. Sorry it may be on Google +

    2. Looks like the book was written by Aaron James, who also wrote a short book a few years back called, "On Bullshit." Clearly, he has found what works for him...

      I remember who he is because I saw him on Job Stewart when "On Bullshit" came out.

      I will have a look at the book to see who is stealing my style!

    3. I will have to look up "On Bullshit". At the moment I have a very uncharacteristic void in reading materials on my night stand

    4. In a couple more weeks, my class for the semester will be done and I will be able to dive into a stack of books that I will broadly deem "pleasure reading."

      There hasn't been time for much of that lately.

  9. Awwww, I won't mask my disappointment. Bear with me as I go through the five stages of grief:
    Denial -- No, it's not true. You'll be back next week. I know it. I've put it on my Vision Board so I know it will come true. So this fake goodbye was totally unnecessary.
    Anger -- HOW COULD YOU BETRAY US LIKE THIS!?! I need your words to saturate my brain and bring the insightful funny! You're dead to me.
    Bargaining -- Okay, okay, how about this, you can take every other week off, maybe post just twice per month, and...and...uh...and...I'll retweet you twice per week! Or write you a guest post every month. Or mail you money.
    Depression -- Oh god, I feel so empty. Where once there was humor and deep thoughts, remains an ash tray of fart jokes, cinders of poop humor smolder where there was once layers of double entendre and symbolism. Time to go full Goth, I guess.
    Acceptance -- Well, I guess I'll have to be satisfied with going to poetry slams and drinking absinthe as though my affectations are my personality instead of stealing your thoughts in normal human communication and be lauded with praise. I shall be exposed as a fraud, and I'm okay with that.

    In all seriousness, I will miss your posts, but completely understand the need to step back if it's not fun anymore. We'll be here when you decide to come back.

    1. Awww... Thank you. That makes me almost feel as though someone was reading!

      This isn't me trying to quit. I've tried to quit before - 4 times at my old blog before I succeeded just to end up here.

      I'd like to give up blogs someday, at least for long enough to write something more substantial. It seems unlikely to happen. The immediacy of blogging is too much to give up.

    2. Pickleope is always funnier than I am. Plus he's funny all of the time on his blog, whereas I can manage it, at most, once a week.

      Come to think of it, he's a bastard and I hate him.

  10. You'll be missed but I'll try to catch you on Google * or something. Oh, I replied to your email.

    1. Hi, Cal! Good to see you up and around with access to my blog!

      The thing is, everybody has missed so many of my old ones that should really cycle those back through, and they will be like new ones.

      Or, hell, Multiply just died. I could post some of those over here with a few changes.

    2. The truth is, besides missing your blogs, I just miss talking to you. Over the years you've given me enlightenment on a different point of view. I appreciate that.

      I do hope the break does you some good. I know I've had to take a break from the net a time or two. Sometimes it can drive you crazy but the block feature has my friend list down to what I can manage without having a heart attack. I have people with views opposite of mine, but they're respectful rather than annoying like Red State Randy. I don't tolerate personal attacks anymore. If you don't like my political views, fine. Just don't make unfounded personal attacks because I don't agree with you.

      I do value what you have to say, care for you, and don't want to lose contact with you. Take care, but let me know you're alive from time to time. You have my Google email.

  11. You will definitely be missed, so I hope this break isn't too long. Also, we connected with you via Google+, but I refuse to tweet you. I just can't condense my thoughts into 140 characters or less. Even this comment alone would be like 2-3 tweets.

    1. Thanks. I just can't be worried about writing blog posts for the next few weeks. And I do worry if I don't get one out.

      My first tweet was, "Twitter is going to be a challenge for me. I can't even answer the phone in 140 characters or less."

      I think twitter makes everyone come across as smug. It is also ruining my impression of a few of my favorite authors and musicians. Chuck Palahniuk and Wayne Coyne tweet entirely too much.

  12. Well, I just started reading your blog, and it's one of about three blogs that I make a super special effort to go to and actually comment on, and I am going to miss reading your posts while you're on leave. That being said, I haven't blogged in about a year at the blog I'm still paying to maintain, so I really have no room to talk. I do hope you'll be around G+ more though. I promise to make a point to stop by occasionally and say hi.


Hey you! Why not leave a comment to tell me what you think of what I wrote?